WR bags are hand crafted from the highest-quality of materials by artisans whose skills have been passed down from generation to generation. We work hard to ensure that your bags will last the test of time. It's the William Ross way.
When you carry a WR Travel Bag you carry a part of history.
A rugged natural fabric that unlike most synthetics, will look better with time. Waxed canvas develops a patina with age, each mark a reminder of your journey.
Waxed canvas radiates rugged sophistication and the natural fabric looks better with wear and time. Unlike industrial materials, wax canvas will become part of your timeless journey; stories to be passed down and adventures embedded in the natural patina of the material. Know it, feel it, and live the difference.
Why choose waxed canvas over polymers that have been created in the last 50 years? The answer is similar to the reasons we choose wood over laminate. Why a book holds sway over a tablet or a mechanical watch over a digital watch. Cotton over polyester. Waxed canvas posses a depth of character its modern counterparts lacks.
The leather is full-grain leather - the best you can get. Full-grain leather comes from the top layer of the hide. It includes all the grain with it - hence the name full-grain leather. This type of leather retains the inherent toughness, as well as the imperfections because there are no surface alternations or splitting. It is the highest quality leather, thus the most expensive. It absorbs body oils and develops a patina over time- a characteristic that attributes to its popularity.